Topic outline

  • Priority

    This Information must be read, 

    your USI entered and PIC and Course

    Application submitted either  PRIOR to

    to attendance at the first session or immediately

    following the session and before submitting any  work 

    Lego Town Hall Building

    •   This is a discussion area for use by members of this course 

      This is a place where you can post questions to other members of your cohort, leave helpful suggestions for course members when you locate information relevant to your course and simply discuss the course with other participants. You are encouraged to use this area to collaborate with each other to develop ideas and information for the course.

    • This survey should be completed by all participants as a means of assisting us to improve this course. We would encourage you to submit the feedback at any time you wish during the course. However, we would always want your overall feedback at the end of the course. So it is a requirement that you submit your feedback at a minimum once at the very end of your course. We will always read all feedback and take action wherever we can to implement any improvements that you suggest.

      Can those of you who attended the Common Units Workshop additionally please give us feedback on the workshop.